© 2025 Millennial Plastic Surgery



What You Can And Cannot Wear On Surgery Day

Preparing for your surgery can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. Proper preparation can help alleviate anxiety allowing you to enjoy the excitement of your upcoming procedure. While your surgeon may have answered all your questions abou...

Physical Activity And Sex After Plastic Surgery

The timing for resuming physical and sexual activity after plastic surgery can be complex as several factors affect recovery. These factors include the type of surgical procedure, the level of discomfort experienced, the presence of bandage...

How Long Does It Take To Regain Skin Feeling After Surgery?

Numbness is a common side effect of plastic surgery, particularly at incision sites. But how long will it take to regain skin feeling after surgery? This article tells you what you need to know about post-surgical numbness. Causes Of Numbn...

How Long Do I Have To Wait To Get My Second Surgery And Why?

Sometimes, a single plastic surgery procedure may not be enough to achieve the results you desire. So, if you are considering more than one procedure, here’s how long you may need to wait before getting the second one done. How Long To ...

Types Of BBL Shapes – Which Shape Is Right for You?

A BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) has undeniably become one of the most popular forms of aesthetic surgery, including in the US where many people undergo cosmetic procedures to achieve their ideal look. However, this is not just a one-size-fits...

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The BBL (Brazilian Buposttt Lift) recovery process is notorious for its seeming impracticality. You need to avoid applying pressure to your butt as this can cause damage. So… no sitting? And for how long? Well, we are here to provide you...

What Disqualifies You From Getting Plastic Surgery?

Typically, people in good health are candidates for plastic surgery. While plastic surgery can enhance one's appearance and boost self-confidence, it also carries risks.Your eligibility for plastic surgery depends on several factors, in...

Will I Have Breast Lift Scars After 12 Months?

Right after your breast lift procedure, the scarring from the incision lines is very obvious and prominent, and needs time to heal. Over time, the scars will go from purple or red color to thin white lines that are less prominent. It can ta...

What’s the Difference Between a Breast Reduction and a Breast Lift?

Breast lifts and breast reductions can help you achieve ideal body image and improve your quality of life. Schedule a consultation with Dr. David Shokrian today to discuss your options and determine which procedure can best address your ph...

Natural Ways to Perk Your Breasts

Saggy breasts are a normal part of changes in breast appearance that most women experience, especially as they grow old. Although it is a natural cosmetic change, it is not welcome and may affect how you look and feel. If you are not happy ...


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