Going for liposuction is an important decision, and you must understand the precise pre and post-surgery details to benefit from this procedure. Schedule an appointment with Dr. David Shokrian at Millennial Plastic Surgery to find out more about body sculpting procedures and how to get rid of the jiggly belly fat that looks so unappealing. He recommends the best solutions for removing love handles and unwanted forms of flab and recontours your middle to help you enjoy a flat stomach and a reshaped silhouette.
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that removes stubborn lumps of fat from the stomach that you cannot seem to get rid of through diet and exercise. Also called lipectomy or lipo, it breaks up and sucks stubborn fat from the body to improve body appearance and smooth irregular body shapes. It is perhaps the best way to contour your body and remove fats from specific parts, including the abdomen, hips, neck, chin, back, and buttocks.

Although liposuction is an extremely popular procedure, there is still a lot of confusion and misconception surrounding its purpose and benefits. You must read up on some facts and consult a specialist to learn more about this surgery to find out if it will work for your body and aesthetic needs.
Discussed here are the five important things you must know before going for stomach liposuction.
- Not all fat is the same
Two types of fat are significant, especially when we are talking about stomach liposuction. They are subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the jiggly, pinchable fat located just underneath the skin. It is harmless, but it looks very unappealing and affects your figure. On the other hand, visceral fat is stored inside the abdominal cavity, often identified as the beer belly. It is hard and firm, and people with lots of visceral fat are sometimes referred to as skinny fat.
All fats release hormones, and as the visceral fat is stored next to your organs, it is more likely to interfere with organ functions. It can result in higher insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, increased blood pressure, high bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in your bloodstream, and increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
Stomach liposuction usually focuses on removing subcutaneous fat. As visceral fat is firmly embedded inside the abdominal cavity, it cannot be suctioned like subcutaneous fat. A lot of visceral fat does not necessarily prevent you from having liposuction, but it affects the kind of results you can expect from the procedure. If your visceral fat is the culprit, your surgeon may recommend an MRI or CT scan to find out how much fat you have and how it can be removed safely and effectively.
- Stomach liposuction does not require general anesthesia
While many surgeons prefer to use the old method of liposuction, and general anesthesia, especially when removing fat from the abdomen, these days it is possible to perform lipo without putting the patients to sleep. The most popular method for liposuction is the tumescent method which has become a gold standard for safety and efficiency.
The tumescent method for stomach liposuction is filling the fatty area between the skin and the abdominal cavity with a fluid, known as a tumescent fluid. It is a mixture of saline and epinephrine, with sodium bicarbonate as a buffer. The saline solution fills the fatty layer under the skin until it is enlarged and firm or tumescent, making it easier for the surgeon to sculpt. For this reason, this method is also called Liposculpture. The epinephrine acts as a vasoconstrictor, constricting blood vessels in the area to reduce bruising and blood loss.
If your surgeon is performing stomach liposuction with local anesthesia, he may also add lidocaine, a numbing agent, to the tumescent fluid. It enables the surgeon to perform the procedure without putting the patient to sleep and reduces the risks that come with general anesthesia, making the process even more safe and effective.
- Beware of loose skin and belly hang
As we age, the amount of collagen the body produces decreases, which results in less skin elasticity. It means the skin does not bounce back like it used to. The older you grow, the more skin laxity you may face and it can become a problem with stomach lipo. There is no wrong age for liposuction, but you need to understand that loose or sagging skin can become an issue if you delay it for long.
Whether your loose skin is due to extreme weight loss or age, it can affect liposuction outcomes. You must consult your surgeon to find out when skin laxity is an issue and when it is not. Laser-assisted liposuction can give you the best possible results as it takes away excess fat, firms and tightens the skin in the area, and helps you achieve desired results. Laser liposuction also increases collagen production in the body, which tightens the skin around the treated area and leads to long-term results.
In some cases, due to the size of the abdomen or the lack of skin elasticity, you may need a tummy tuck.
- Fat does not move around, but you can still gain weight
Even though fat does not move around in the body, you can still gain weight if you are not careful. Remember that liposuction is an investment in the body, and like any other investment, it must be protected and maintained. Stomach liposuction does not prevent you from gaining back weight in the middle or keep you from gaining weight overall.
Even if you gain weight, your stomach will be slimmer than it would have been otherwise. It is because stomach liposuction removes fat cells from the abdomen area permanently. These cells do not come back or move around, and your body does not change where it stores fat. If you gain weight after liposuction, the body stores the same amount of fat in the places it usually does. However, as a lot of fat cells have been removed from the stomach, other areas may seem larger than the stomach.
Your abdomen will always be smaller than it would have been without lipo, but you cannot eat whatever you want and never gain weight, as it is something you must maintain. It is not a weight loss solution and cannot be used like one.
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- Six-pack abs are made in the gym, not through surgery
Many people who go for liposuction believe that as it removes subcutaneous fat or fat that is under the skin, it will automatically give them six-pack abs. It is a big misconception as abs are made either in the gym or in the kitchen, or both, or in the case of stomach liposuction, in the gym and the operating room. No matter how big and strong your abdominal muscles are, they are just not going to show through if you have a lot of subcutaneous fat.
No surgeon tells you that you will get six-pack abs with liposuction surgery. You will get a great-looking stomach, but no six-pack. Without building strong ab muscles through exercise and weight training, you should not expect to develop abs from your lipo procedure.
Even if you know someone who has been blessed with a naturally flat stomach, they were not born with natural six-packs. They can be made with a rigorous workout in the gym after you are done with getting rid of excess fat through liposuction.
If you are considering liposuction, keep these five things in mind to make a more informed and confident decision. With the help of an experienced and board-certified best NYC plastic surgeon, you can look forward to getting the body you have always wanted.
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Visit Millennial Plastic Surgery to meet the experts and find out if you are eligible for the surgery and how to expect the results you want. Dr. David Shokrian has performed hundreds of liposuction procedures and eliminates even the most resistant fat deposits on your stomach that make you look unappealing and old. He guides you regarding stomach liposuction, and how it takes place and answers all your questions to ensure you achieve a trim, curvy and desirable body.

We can’t wait to meet you! We offer comprehensive consultations with Dr. Shokrian, and his team both virtually and in person.