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    What Is Included in a Mommy Makeover?

    If pregnancy and breastfeeding have changed your body in ways you don’t like, a mommy makeover can help you achieve your old, pre-pregnancy shape and improve your quality of life and self-confidence. Call Millennial Plastic Surgery today and schedule an appointment with Dr. David Shokrian to find out what is included in a mommy makeover and how it can benefit you. Dr. Shokrian offers a full range of high-quality surgical procedures that turn your cosmetic dreams into reality.

    Millennial Plastic Surgery

    Childbirth impacts every woman’s body differently and changes it in many ways, and things do not always go back to the way they were before. While some women may not mind changes such as rapid weight gain and loose skin, others want to revive their pre-pregnancy shape to restore their appearance and improve their self-esteem. A mommy makeover is the perfect solution to get the look and shape you want and feel comfortable in all kinds of clothing.

    Components of a Mommy Makeover

    A mommy makeover is one of the most popular combinations of cosmetic surgeries, specifically designed to help a woman address common effects of childbirth and breastfeeding on the breasts, abdomen, and body. The body contouring procedures are performed together to improve the physical changes that linger long after having a baby.

    Typically, it focuses on the breasts and abdomen, including:

    Additional Procedures

    You may also consider a thigh lift, arm lift, or non-surgical treatments like injectables for a more complete result.

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    Common Mommy Makeover Procedures

    All mommy makeovers are different because every woman is interested in varied improvements in her body after having kids. However, some common mommy makeover procedures are usually performed.

    Common Mommy Makeover Procedures

    They include:

    Depending on your surgeon and the recommended set of procedures, a mommy makeover can be performed during a single operation, or for safety reasons, it may be spread over multiple surgical sessions.

    Read more: Mommy Makeover Costs: Procedure and Pricing Breakdown

    Important Things You Need to Know about the Mommy Makeover

    Millennial Plastic Surgery
    56 West 45th Street, 4th floor
    New York, NY 10036
    3190 Riverdale Ave. Level C #4A
    Bronx, NY 10463
    1000 Northern Blvd Suite 165
    Great Neck, NY 11020
    (212) 421-7123
    Consult with Dr. David Shokrian

    Who Is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

    If you are considering a mommy makeover, you should be:

    To determine if you are a good candidate for a mommy makeover, schedule an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Make sure to find a surgeon with significant experience in each procedure you are considering as a part of a mommy makeover.

    While becoming a mom is immensely rewarding, dealing with the post-pregnancy body and achieving your health goals often becomes a challenge. The procedures commonly included in the mommy makeover can help regain your old figure and confidence easily. At Millennial Plastic Surgery, Dr. David Shokrian and his team understand what you need to bring your post-baby body back to its pre-pregnancy fabulous shape using the safest, most effective procedures. Dr. Shokrian works with you to identify your concerns, and recommend a treatment plan to achieve the results you have in mind.


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