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    Five Things You Need to Know about a Mommy Makeover

    A mommy makeover can help restore your pre-baby figure, overcome significant weight gain or loss, and achieve a boost in overall confidence. At Millennial Plastic Surgery, Dr. David Shokrian begins by determining if you need a mommy makeover and if the combination of advanced, targeted procedures can reverse the effects of pregnancy on your body. Depending on your specific health and aesthetic goals and unique desires, Dr. Shokrian and his team customize various procedures to ensure you regain your lost shape and make you look and feel great about yourself.

    Millennial Plastic Surgery

    The mommy makeover has become immensely popular over the past few decades for the amazing results it delivers. It is usually a combination of procedures that allows people to address multiple issues in a single surgery and achieve the toned and trimmed body they long for.

    Mommy makeover procedures safely and effectively rejuvenate the areas of the body that are affected by pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, and other factors. They usually involve a tummy tuck and breast lift, but there are many variations. They may include liposuction, breast augmentation, as well as breast lift or reduction, and labia reduction, depending on your individual body and health goals.

    However, it is essential to know that not all mommy makeover procedures are created equal, or your specific concerns and goals may not require multiple surgeries. Do your research to determine what combination of procedures will work best for your needs and how much healing time you will require after the surgery.

    Here are five things you need to know about a mommy makeover that can help determine if this is the right option for you.

    Five Things You Need to Know about a Mommy Makeover

    There Is No Standard or One-Size-Fits-All Mommy Makeover

    A mommy makeover is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. It is a personalized surgery designed to suit your specific needs, lifestyle, and anatomy. The term “mommy makeover” can be misleading, as it’s not solely for women who have experienced childbirth. While sagging breasts, excess belly fat, and loose skin often result from pregnancy, these issues can also arise from aging, hormonal changes, and menopause.

    Understanding Body Changes

    Pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain, or loss can take a significant toll on your body contour. The skin on the abdomen may stretch beyond its ability to bounce back, leading to unwanted rolls of droopy, sagging skin and contour irregularities. Additionally, you may experience volume loss in the breasts or develop stubborn pockets of fat in the abdomen, hips, and flanks that do not improve with diet and exercise.

    Tailored Approach to Your Needs

    Depending on how your body has changed over time and your goals for a younger, shapelier, and more toned appearance, your mommy makeover may include a combination of procedures such as:

    Your surgeon will work with you to determine the best timing and combination of procedures to address your specific concerns effectively.

    A mommy makeover is as unique as the individual undergoing it. We take into account your lifestyle, aesthetic goals, and medical history to create a comprehensive plan that works for you.

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    A Mommy Makeover Typically Includes the Abdomen and Breasts

    The goal of mommy makeover is to address the effects of childbearing, significant weight loss, or aging on a woman’s body, which are most evident in the abdomen and breasts. Thus, a mommy makeover includes some form of breast surgery and a tummy tuck, as they are the most common post-pregnancy complaints.

    Breast lift reshapes and repositions the breast mound and nipples for enhanced projection. Excess skin is removed, and the breast is raised to a higher position on the chest wall. A tummy tuck can give you a flatter, toned abdomen as it removes excess, drooping skin and tightens the abdominal muscles. Focusing on breasts and abdomen can restore youthful looks and lost body contours.

    With time, the mommy makeover has evolved, and now it can include a combination of procedures such as:

    The specific combination of procedures in your mommy makeover is customized to your needs and aesthetic goals. It focuses on restoring your pre-pregnancy figure using the most advanced techniques and surgical options. 

    Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause the breasts to deflate, which makes breast surgery an essential component of the mommy makeover.  Breast augmentation and breast lifts are popular ways to boost your appearance, but they offer different benefits. While breast augmentation increases the cup size of your breasts, a lift raises drooping tissue.

    Breasts droop as women bear children, age, or fluctuate in weight. A breast lift will help correct drooping by volumetrically reshaping and repositioning the breasts and restoring the nipple to the center of the breast. Excess skin is removed, and the breast is lifted to a higher position on the chest wall.
    Breast augmentation focuses on the size and shape of the breast by using implants. A breast implant is a safe and excellent method for improving the fullness of the breast and repairing your deflated breast tissue. It is a great procedure for women who desire more volume or symmetry. However, a breast augmentation on its own will not adjust the position of your breasts. If you want a more youthful, perky look, a breast lift is necessary.

    Depending on how your body responds to pregnancy and your breast size before pregnancy, you may want to choose between breast augmentation and breast lift. If needed, your surgeon may combine both procedures to get the breast shape, position, and size you desire.

    A Full Tummy Tuck Is Usually a Part of a Mommy Makeover

    The abdomen is a problem area for most women who seek mommy makeovers. It is because they have given birth or have gained and lost significant weight and now have the issue of sagging skin and loose muscles. A tummy tuck can help with all these problems.

    There are two options when it comes to tummy tuck:

    Women who have excess fat and loose skin above the belly button require a full tummy tuck. The lower abdominal skin is removed, the abdominal skin is tightened, and the belly button is repositioned to a new location, resulting in a flat, taut stomach.
    The ideal candidate for a mini tummy has loose skin exclusively below the belly button. This means most new mothers are ruled out from this minimally invasive procedure. The full procedure is significant and requires downtime. However, it delivers a lean, fit-looking contour of the whole abdomen within just a couple of months of recovery.

    Most women prefer the minimally invasive mini tummy tuck as it implies shorter incisions and shorter recovery, but they require full surgery. However, it is necessary to remember that a mini tummy tuck is still a procedure that requires proper rest and healing time.

    Read more: Mommy Makeover Pricing Breakdown

    Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon is Essential

    Choosing the right plastic surgeon is a crucial step in ensuring a successful and satisfying outcome for your procedure.

    Here are some key points to consider:

    Taking the time to research and making the right desicion can significantly impact your satisfaction with the results and your overall experience.

    Planning for Your Recovery Is Significant

    Mommy makeover surgical procedures require a dedicated recovery period. Incisions need time to heal, which can make routine tasks more challenging. Recovery time varies based on the specific procedures performed, but here are some general guidelines to help you prepare.

    Typical Recovery Times

    For instance, a tummy tuck typically necessitates at least two weeks of home rest, during which you should follow your surgeon’s guidance for complete healing. Liposuction and breast procedures may have different recovery timelines, often ranging from a few days to several weeks, depending on the extent of the surgery.

    Planning for Childcare

    If you have young children, consider having a friend or family member stay with you during the initial week or longer to provide childcare. This support allows you to focus on your recovery without the added stress of daily parenting responsibilities. You may also want to prepare engaging activities or meals in advance to keep your kids entertained and nourished while you recover.

    Activity Limitations

    During the recovery period, expect to limit strenuous activities for 3-4 weeks. This includes avoiding heavy lifting, high-impact exercises, and seeking assistance with household tasks like cooking, shopping, and chores. Gentle activities like walking are encouraged to promote circulation and prevent complications, but always consult with your surgeon before resuming any exercise routine.

    Returning to Work

    Most individuals take approximately two weeks off from work after a mommy makeover, though those with physically demanding jobs involving lifting, bending, or stretching may need longer. Communicate with your employer about your expected recovery time and consider arranging for flexible work options, such as remote work or modified duties, if possible.

    Optimizing Your Recovery

    To optimize your recovery and achieve the desired results, consider the following tips:

    Emotional Support

    It’s not just your body that needs care during recovery; your emotional well-being is important too. Engage with friends or family, or consider joining a support group for individuals undergoing similar procedures. Sharing experiences and emotions can provide comfort and encouragement.

    Millennial Plastic Surgery
    56 West 45th Street, 4th floor
    New York, NY 10036
    3190 Riverdale Ave. Level C #4A
    Bronx, NY 10463
    1000 Northern Blvd Suite 165
    Great Neck, NY 11020
    (212) 421-7123
    Consult with Dr. David Shokrian

    Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover – Some Factors to Consider Before Surgery

    Mommy makeover surgery is a highly individualized procedure. You should go for it if you have some health or aesthetic goals in mind and want to achieve them.

    You may be a candidate for mommy makeover surgery if:

    One of the most important factors to consider before opting for a mommy makeover procedure is future pregnancies. While a mommy makeover does not affect your fertility, becoming pregnant may negate some of the results of your mommy makeover, and require further surgery to restore them. It is best to go for a mommy makeover procedure when you are finished having children.

    Some other factors to keep in mind are:

    A positive outlook, realistic expectations, and willingness to maintain a healthy lifestyle make you a good candidate for a mommy makeover.

    Call Millennial Plastic Surgery and schedule an appointment with Dr. David Shokrian to find out how a mommy makeover may benefit you and if the surgical procedures can address your problem areas. Dr. Shokrian is one of the best plastic surgeons in New York and has helped thousands of people achieve their aesthetic goals with exceptional excellence and dedication. He works with you to evaluate your situation, identifies if this is what you truly need, and recommends the best procedures to ensure you enjoy a toned, youthful figure most successfully.


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