Breast Augmentation Before & After Gallery

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The before and after photos of breast augmentation displayed below depict real patients who have been under the care of Dr. Shokrian. These patients have consented to the online display of their photographs. All images on this website are copyrighted and may not be replicated, linked to, or distributed in any manner.
Home > Before & After Gallery > Breast Augmentation Before & After Gallery
CONTENT DISCLAIMERThis site features content that's general in nature and is not intended to be relied on as medical advice specific to the situation you are in. This website does NOT offer direct medical advice, and self-diagnosis should not be undertaken based on information displayed online. This website is intended to provide viewers with a basic knowledge of the procedure, and it may feature content involving medical nudity. A personal consultation would be required to receive essential individualized information, including a comprehensive understanding of the available options, alternatives, and potential risks involved in a specific cosmetic surgery.